A Professional Community for New Mental Health Therapists


Emerging Therapists is the place to gain the Three Essential Skills for the post-grad transition:

  • Master Practical Info: license, CEs, loans, regulations
  • Cultivate Resilience: professional identity & proactive burnout prevention
  • Grow Your Community: a professional support network of others who GET IT

I am on a mission to connect new therapists to information, resources, and camaraderie that are not readily available after grad school.

Launching Soon....

Sign up for the wait list now in order to get Early Bird Access & Pricing when we launch. You’ll also receive a digital copy of my guide, Best Practices for Managing Student Loan Repayment.

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    I am creating the Emerging Therapists community because I've seen too many early-career clinicians put loads of time, energy, and money into this new career only to leave not long after starting. This is a high stress, high burnout profession, but we can approach it in more sustainable ways. Being part of a community can be so powerful and transformative. I welcome you to be part of this new online community built just for you!

    Each day when you join us online, you’ll discover tools that can help you right away:

    • Moderated discussion forum with fellow new therapists and with me; you can interact on topics that others are talking about and start new discussions too.
    • Support Circle, live discussions over zoom – in a judgment-free zone – with your peers and facilitated by me
    • Tips & Topics: an ever-growing library of bite-sized tips and exercises for exploration and improvement, on professional identity, time management, imposter syndrome, burnout prevention & recovery, logistics, workplace culture, and more.
    • Articles and resources on loan repayment, licensing boards, finding continuing education, mindfulness, recommended reading for new therapists, and more to come.
    • Mindfulness on-the-go: an ever-growing library of guided mindfulness recordings on particular topics such as stress, gratefulness, sensory awareness, sleep assistance, and more.

    Who are we?

    YOU: You’ve finished grad school (or will soon), and are working toward your independent license. You are self-motivated, smart, driven, and you care about others and making the world a better place. You’ve been successful professionally so far, but now is a point like no other: you are becoming a mental health therapist and realize there are many aspects of this work that you aren’t feeling prepared for, or haven’t known how to deal with yet, or are overwhelmed by. You are no longer in the incubator of grad school, and even with an amazing supervisor and fantastic co-workers, you still feel isolated and unsure. You might be asking yourself, Who do I ask which questions? Why don’t I feel more ready for this? Why is this so different from what I’d pictured? Why am I so tired? When will I feel more capable? Am I even cut out for this? What if I fail my clients? How can I possibly keep up with this paperwork?

    ME, Elodie Andrews (she/her): When I was a new therapist, I was often overwhelmed by all the expectations from others and from myself, and often felt alone in that, and unsure who I could be honest with about the confusion and difficulty I was experiencing. Although I am now a licensed therapist with a successful practice, I struggled in the transition to feeling confident in this career, and almost left the field as a result. I found that there really wasn't a place to go to for the support and guidance I needed beyond supervision, colleagues, and the classroom. It can be such an isolating experience for so many early-career clinicians and I have become passionate in helping others manage the transition too. I’ve been doing this work since 2009 and want to share my learning with you now! I have an MSW from the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis, and a BFA from Butler University.

    WE, EMERGING THERAPISTS: A members-only online space for new therapists to convene and connect and receive guidance and support from each other and from the facilitator, Elodie Andrews. We use group, peer, and one-on-one mentoring models to fill in the gaps between graduate degree and full license. We are provisionally-licensed therapists and graduate students from social work, counseling, psychology, and marriage & family therapy backgrounds, and are based in the United States and Canada. We do not discuss client treatment (clinical supervision is not part of this community).